Friture is an application designed to analyze audio input
in real-time. Friture displays audio data in several widgets, such as a
scope, a spectrum analyzer, or a rolling 2D spectrogram.
Level widget:
· The level widget displays RMS power and peak power in dBFS (dB Full Scale). It is refreshed approximately every 20 ms.
Scope widget:
· The scope widget displays audio data versus time, for chunks of
approximately 20 ms. It is refreshed approximately every 20 ms.
Spectrum widget:
· The spectrum widget displays audio data versus frequency. The refresh
time is fixed by the window length of the Fourier transform. For 1024
points at a sampling rate of 44100 Hz, the refresh time is 1024/44100 =
23.2 ms. When the refresh time to too long, two successive transform
windows can be made to overlap (this is not currently implemented).
Additionally, the widget draws peaks for each frequency component, which
are increased by the spectrum and slowly decrease as for the peaks in
the level widget.
Rolling spectrogram widget:
· The rolling spectrogram widget displays audio data versus both
frequency and time, in a rolling-against-time fashion. The refresh time
is limited by the window length of the Fourier transform, as for the
spectrum widget, and also by the time resolution of the widget, which is
fixed by the width of the widget in pixels and the total time scale to
be displayed. As for the spectrum widgets, when the refresh time to too
long because of the window length of the Fourier transform, two
successive transform windows can be made to overlap (this is not
currently implemented).
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