Kamis, 26 April 2012

SX System Suite 1.0

The Complete System Management Toolset

The applications contains the latest version of all the system tools which makes it easy for the user to get all these tools at one place without worrying about downloading each of them separately.

These tools can help you in monitoring system processes, detection & removal of Spyware DLLs, identification of Malicious Services, verify Downloaded files from Internet & many more.

SX System Suite consists of the following:
·Exe Scan
·Spy DLL Remover
·Spy BHO Remover
·Proc Net Monitor
·Download Hash Verifier
·Advanced Win Service Manager
Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:

· Offers to download or install software or components (such as browser toolbars) that the program does not require to fully function
· Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system

Site Download Here 

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