Kamis, 26 April 2012

Free Download Reminder Note 1.1

Allows you to setup reminders while browsing and sync them between computers.

Reminder Note is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to create reminders so you wouldn't forget important tasks while browsing. Remind yourself of online stuff that you want to do later, job tasks that need to be done at a specific time, or just about anything that you would hate to miss!

Moreover, you can set a reminder while browsing from your PC at work and get reminded while browsing on your laptop at home!

· Google Chrome
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· fixed sound issue
· custom snooze
· users can now have the option to delete or keep fired reminders.
· fired reminders are now not deleted automatically.
· options for sound and visual notification

Site Download Here 

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Hanya manusia yang berkomentar baik dan sopan. sedangkan hanya binatang yang berkomentar buruk dan tidak memikirkan perasaan dan tidak menghargai orang lain... Trima kasih....