Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Linux > Free Download mac bar theme 1.0

mac bar theme is a Superkarmanba widget that acts exactly like the Mac OS X application launcher.

mac bar theme is a Superkarmanba widget that acts exactly like the Mac OS X application launcher. It is a SuperKaramba version of TuxBar SMOOTH.

TuxBar is originally written by Matthew Coad.

Parametric Zoom for SuperKaramba implemented in is by Adam Geitgey.

And now I completely rewrote it again to give that authentic mac OS X feel!

This is released under the GPL.


If you don't run Superkaramba from this directory, you will need to change the paths of the image files in the first few lines of to their full paths.

Product's homepage

· SuperKaramba 0.17d or higher

Site Download Here 

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