Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Linux > Free Download BaMoQuLa 0.1

BaMoQuLa is a system monitor and a quickLaunch bar, it give info about System, CPU, Memory and Network, and also you can launch.

BaMoQuLa is a system monitor and a quickLaunch bar, it give info about System, CPU, Memory and Network, and also you can launch apps from it (konsole, kwrite, firefox, konqueror, amorok) just clicking over its icon, or launch drakeconf, kcontrol and a user chossed application (like ccsm if you use compiz fusion).

Install info:

Before you start the widget you need to:

1) open bamoqula.theme by a text editor
2) change PATH in line 16 with bamoqula.theme path
3) change NONE in last line with your favorite application (i.e. ccsm)

P.S.: This widget is optimized for Mandriva, in example if you don't drakconf, just search for it in the theme file and change with your application

Now you can start the widget. Enjoy!

Product's homepage

 Site Download Here

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