Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Free Download RapGet 1.41

A downloader with code recognition for such share servers as rapidshare.de, megaupload.com etc
Written by Elena Opris on June 8th, 2012

Users of Rapidshare.com and similar websites know that downloading a file from this type of host is sometimes a test of patience and endurance. An easier approach to grabbing the files shared via these servers is a download manager such as RapGet.

This little utility allows you to batch download virtually any type of content (image, video, audio, documents, software etc) from a bunch of websites, including but not limited to Rapidshare.com, 4shared.com, and Speedyshare.com.

This software uses a code recognition technique, so searching and downloading for files is done in less time that you usually spend when you use the traditional way. The application is portable, so there’s no installation process and its interface is quite basic, which makes it accessible and easy-to-use.

Learning to use the software is not rocket science. Your efforts are reduced to pasting the download link, as provided by the hosting website and add it to the queue. From here on, the software performs all the necessary steps to getting the files on your computer without requiring your assistance.

RapGet allows you to download multiple files at the same time, which means you won’t have to wait for a download to finish in order to begin another.

The Settings window allows you to configure the waiting time (in minutes), number of errors before rotation, number of rotations before removal, as well as enable or disable downloaded or corrupted files from the list. There’s also a Schedule feature, which enables downloads to start at a pre-configured time.

To sum up, RapGet is a great alternative to manually downloading files from hosting services. It’s intuitive, easy to use and saves you a significant amount of time and effort.
Download Via Softpedia.com

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