Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Free Download CreateInstall Free 5.12.1

An installer for computer users of any level
Written by Elena Opris on April 4th, 2012
CreateInstall is an application with a pretty self-explanatory title - it allows you create install and uninstall files for your software.

Upon initialization you can use the easy-to-follow wizard to setup initial settings, such as the product name, version, URL and company name.

So, you can specify the output directory and setup executable name, create a self-extracting setup and set the type, volume size and filename pattern.

Furthermore, you can give product details (e.g. technical support URL and phone number), select the setup language and additional ones, as well as input the installation path, shortcuts folder name, password and silent command-line parameter.

Plus, you can configure dialog settings when it comes to the font style and size, bottom left text and URL, logo images, background image and color.

Including an uninstaller and updater is optional. But if you tick these options, you can specify the patch, as well as uninstall and update executable file and filename, along with the config file URL and file name, and newer version URL.

In addition, you can configure the setup by enabling CreateInstall to automatically close the window on completion and to launch the setup on close. Also, you can specify an EXE or BAT file that will be run before and after making the setup, as well as modify options concerning digital code signing, the auto run file (e.g. custom icon) and multi build.

Evidently, you can completely customize the install and uninstall scripts regarding the dialogs, background, fonts, colors, descriptions, error messages, logo images, checkboxes, add/remove list, and so on.

The program uses a moderate amount of system resources, contains a comprehensive help file with snapshots and hasn't caused us any issues during our tests. We highly recommend CreateInstall to all software developers.

Download via Softpedia.com 

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