Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Linux > Free Download alstat 0.0.5

Collection of advanced utils to parse logfiles in different formats and build statistic reports
alstat is a Python module that advances logs statistics. It's collection of utils to analyze logs.


This commant print all lines from all log files in directory /var/log/nginx if format http_method status http_referer:

alstat -d /var/log/nginx/ -p "*access*" -f "base" http_method status http_referer

GET 200 http://google.com
.... to many lines
GET 404 http://ya.ru/
PUT 200 http://yandex.com/

You can view fields list that you can use to display:

alstat -d /var/log/nginx/ -p "*access*" -l

Alstat v0.0.1 start at Tue May 8 23:25:24 2012
You can use fieldnames: status, http_protocol, http_method, http_referer, remote_addr, url, time_local, http_user_agent, remote_user, size


To use alstat use pip or easy_install:

pip install alstat


easy_install alstat

Product's homepage
Here are some key features of "alstat":

· Unpack gzipped logfiles
· Fast


· Python

Site Download Here

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