Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Free Download Google Drive 1.0.2975.8828

Keep and share anything with this storage utility
Google Drive is an application that allows you to access your online storage service from anywhere. And regardless of the platform, blind users can access Google Drive with a screen reader.

With Google Drive, you will be able to work with your colleagues in real time, as you can share documents and presentations. Furthermore, you can assign them comments and receive comment notifications.

The application features powerful search tools that allow you to filter your Drive content. Google Drive uses OCR technology to read scanned documents, as well as image recognition to identify images. Thus, if you drag and drop photos from your Grand Canyon trip into Drive, you can later search for [grand canyon] and photos of its gorges should pop up.

Note: You can only have 5 GB of free space. To obtain additional space, you have to upgrade the application.
Here are some key features of "Google Drive":

· A safe place to store your files
· Share files with other and edit them in real-time
· Create new documents, spreadsheets and presentations instantly
· Integration in Gmail and Google+
· Powerful search features
· Open over 30 file types right in your browser
· Create and reply to comments
· Creates revisions to save your stored content

Site Download Here 

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