Minggu, 15 April 2012

Linux Distribution Release: DEFT Linux 7.1

Stefano Fratepietro has announced the release of DEFT Linux 7.1, a bug-fix update to the project's Ubuntu-based distribution designed for forensic analysis, penetration testing and related tasks: "DEFT Linux 7.1 ready for download. The new features for DEFT Linux 7.1 are: Hb4most and xterm problems fixed; GParted bug fix; updated packages: bulk_extractor 1.2.0, guymager 0.6.5, iPhone Backup Analyzer 10/2012, Xplico 1.0; computer forensics side new tools - UsnJrnl-parser, lslnk; Cyber ​​Intelligence side implementations; OSINT Chrome browser - we customized Chrome with several plugins and resources to perform 'open-source intelligence' and related activities; network information gathering - Host, nslookup, Dig, Nmap, Zenmap, Netcat, snmpcheck, Nbtscan, Cadaver, Traceroute, Hping3, Xprobe, Scapy, Netdiscover; wireless information gathering - Kismet; web application information gathering - Whatweb, Cmsident, Dirbuster, Burpsuite...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a full list of new features. Download: deft7.1.iso (2,320MB, MD5).
Source : http://distrowatch.com/

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