Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Free Download Game Your World

Become God and do whatever you want with the world you created.

Its your world, you are God. Do whatever you want when you want to. You can build, destroy and then create again.


1 - make people

2- make animals

3- make land

4- make mountains

5- make trees

6- make clouds (they regenerate, so don't worry)

7- make homes

8- make boulders

9- make fireworks

0- make fire pit

Q- make tidal wave to the left

E- make tidal wave to the right

I- make meteor to the left

P- make meteor to the right

J- make tornado to the left

L- make tornado to the right

S- make a nuke

N- to make lightning cloud

X- Make Volcano

Site Download Here

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