Senin, 16 April 2012

Download Game Der Blitz

Developer:SimbusSupreme | More from this developer

Genre / Price:
Arcade / FREE

7.65 MB

Last Updated:
April 15th, 2012, 21:17 GMT

  C: \ Freeware Games

Der Blitz description

Der Blitz is a futuristic, 2d top down shooter created with Game Maker 7. Fight as either humans or zombies in one-on-one action over tcp/ip multiplayer battles.
You'll be able to acquire power-ups such as the human's deployable drone, or the zombie's alpha-male to dominate the match.
The addicting formula of two entirely different styles of play, and fluctuating game pace will keep you and you friends battling for victory! Good luck, and have fun!
· OS: Windows Vista/7
Site Download Here

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